Innovative electroluminescent nanocomposites for a new approach in polymer based light emitting devices PLED
1. C. S. Stan, M. Popa, Fluorescent hydrogel composite based on sodium polyacrilate, glycerol and N-hydroxysuccinimide
(c) 2016 stan.c.s.
Registered patent requests
The patent request describe a new fluorescent hydrogel composite and also the specific preparation procedure. The hydrogel composite with a fluorescent range between 420-510 nm, dependent on the excitation wavelength presents a high application potential in various applications such as optoelectronic devices, photonic conversion materials, bioimaging assays etc.
PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0708, Nr. 335/5.10.2011
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2. C. S. Stan, M. Popa, Petronela Gospei (Horlescu), Photoluminescent composites based on hydrosoluble polymers and gadolinium complexes
with 2-(1h-1,2,4-Triazole-3-Il)pyridine, A/00421/19.06.2015
The patent request describe photoluminescent polymer composites and also the specific preparation procedure.